Satisfine Foods: “Automate whatever can be automated”

Higher AOV w/ easy ordering
Trial product increases
Better cash flow w/easy payments

Founder Mark Lenga

With a slew of strong brands in their portfolio, ranging from Byron Bay Cookies to Posh Foods, Satisfine Foods is a Sydney-based food service distributor known for their customer service and dedication to Australian brands.

Launched in 2003, it’s a business that’s grown because of Founder Mark Lenga’s love of food and hospitality. From a cupboard in his parent’s home to a large warehouse serving some of Australia’s best venues, Mark speaks to us about how technology like Ordermentum has been one of the keys to their success.

How did Satisfine start-

How did Satisfine start?

I’d grown up in an environment where food was very important, and then I started my career at Nestle Foods as a graduate. I picked up a lot about the food industry here, and after I travelled for a year, I came back wanting to experiment with my own ideas. 
We started in a cupboard under the stairs in my parents house - I’d been offered a range of products that I sold at lunchtime to food service outlets. I had a dream to build a basket of goods around this. Fast forward to today and this is exactly where the business lies…with a little help from technology.

Why do you think Satisfine has resonated with customers?

We provide the highest level of service no matter how big or small the customer, great Australian products, and a commitment to offering a price that allows all our customers to make a profit. This is what’s helped us grow.

We’ve also used technology to our greatest advantage whilst offering a broad range of diverse Australian made products of the highest quality.

How has technology helped future proof your business?

Using a mix of technology has allowed us to concentrate on ensuring we offer the freshest stock to our customers. We have much greater reporting mechanisms in place now as a direct result of Ordermentum, and that’s allowed us to target business development from very different angles. We are using Growth Engine plus to our advantage, which helps us connect with new customers we’d never otherwise be able to reach. And additionally, the payments side of the platform has been a game changer due to better cashflow and reduced admin.

Additionally, technology has allowed us to continue to stay on trend and enable our customers to be part of the process. Over time, it’s become clear that tech is vital to all aspects of our operations.

What were the main problems/challenges you were looking to solve by using Ordermentum?

Streamlining and automating the payments and ordering processes as well as allowing customers access to our full range of products. It’s much better having the products easily viewable on a platform rather than having a representative going through the range with each customer on their visits.

Also, as a business, it’s important to automate whatever can be automated….and we knew Ordermentum could do this for us.

How has Ordermentum helped you solve these problems?

So many processes have been simplified and strengthened to the point that we couldn't operate without them now!

Ordering, payments, chat, credit notes….the list goes on and on and seems to keep getting better!

What are your favorite features of Ordermentum-

What are your favorite features of Ordermentum?

The delivery of certain products can only be fulfilled on specific days for us and this is a game changer. This is important because some of our suppliers only deliver to us on specific days and we need to have technology that automates delivery days, which helps us with scheduling and routing. 

Also, the sign up process for our customers is so easy - it makes it incredibly easy to transition our long-term customers likewise.

Where have you noticed the most improvements?

We’ve experienced increased sales, time saved, decreased costs, and improved cash flow. The other note here is that staff productivity has improved significantly. 

In particular, the digital catalog has enabled our customers to trial different products from the range that they may never have been willing to in the past. The Average Order Value (AOV) is getting higher which as a business owner is gold!

What feedback do you get from your customers using Ordermentum-

What feedback do you get from your customers using Ordermentum?

The overwhelming feedback is positive! We often get comments about how easy the system is to use so we take that as great feedback. 

How is Ordermentum helping you to reach your business goals?

Definitely going in the right direction and accelerated our goals and budgets/targets even further. 

How is Satisfine addressing sustainability?

In the food industry, it’s so important that we think about how to be more sustainable. 

That’s why we recycle all our cardboard boxes, and our warehouse rooftop is covered in solar panels. We’re really focussed on reducing our carbon footprint, and these are just some of the small ways we are trying to give back.

What do you wish customers and prospects knew about the business-

What do you wish customers and prospects knew about the business?

The level of effort and pride we take in our work. Our attention to detail is really quite something…I would love to be able to show all our customers what goes into the process from the time an order is taken to when it is delivered. 

What do you think is next for Satisfine?

World domination! No, I think we will continue to evolve our product range with all our fantastic suppliers in order to meet our customers requirements. 

We have some great things on the cards for 2023 so watch this space!

What would you say to another supplier considering using Ordermentum?

It’s a must and would definitely recommend it for any other supplier. Ordermentum is becoming more and more important for us each and every day!

We can’t live without it now. 

At a glance

  • SUPPLIER Satisfine Foods
  • INDUSTRYFood Service/ Distribution