Bravofoods: “Didn’t doubt for a moment that our calls would be answered if we needed help”

4000 products in digital catalogue
60% customers self ordering
Informed decisions w/ Insights

At a time when others are downsizing their sales teams, Bravo - one of New South Wales’ most trusted meat suppliers - is thriving and hiring. 

Born in 2010, Bravofoods began as a small boutique wholesaler in Sydney’s south. During that time they’ve built long-lasting relationships with key venues across the state, and have evolved in a way that’s enviable to similar businesses. 

One of the key reasons Bravofoods has been able to flourish is the leadership of their General Manager, Damian Briscoe-Hough, an executive chef until his early 20s. Damian transitioned from the kitchen to sales before climbing through the ranks from sales rep to Head of Commercial for one of Australia’s largest pork companies. 

His extensive experience in the meat industry led to his role as General Manager at Bravofoods where he led the company through a pivotal growth period, including the implementation of tech to elevate operations and provide their customers with a better experience. 

We speak to Damian about these processes and how Ordermentum has become a key partner in helping the business grow. 

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Why has Bravo resonated with customers?

In a world where everything is done online, we still talk on the phone and we dedicate time face to face with venues, offering meat trends advice, contributing to planning their next menu or just a kind face to chat to in the fast moving world of hospitality. 

Then there’s all the great brands we have and our beautiful packaging. 

We’ve also made a big effort in our digital space. Not to plug Ordermentum, but it’s one of the champions that has helped us make our customers’ lives easier - we think that’s incredibly important. 

What are the main challenges you’ve had with growing your business?

Staffing. Our Production Staff start at 12am to 2am and work Monday to Saturday. We work very hard on our culture, inclusiveness and supporting our staff.

New product development is another—we have to come up with solutions for businesses. Our customers are running very lean kitchens and need to be efficient. We need to help them with products that allow them to create good quality, consistent meals.  

Why did you first start using Ordermentum?

Before Ordermentum, a lot of admin work was required, especially around changes to orders. For example, a restaurant might have initially had four line items: two types of steak, chicken and lamb. 

If they wanted a fifth line, we'd have to bring in a rep, and that rep would have to manually load it into the system. 

We had to find a solution that made it easy for people to shop. We actually invested into building an ordering solution for our customers  - and it didn’t work. 

So then we considered Ordermentum, firstly because of the amount of end users that were on the platform. We wanted something that made it easy for customers to get on board, so we tried it out. 

Now, we have a catalogue of 4000 items and customers can order and change their orders whenever they want. Before, someone would write ‘20 steaks,’ and we’d be guessing “which steak?”

With the catalogue, they know - and we know - exactly what they want. 

How does using Ordermentum make it easier for you to run your business?

We start our production at 12AM and orders go in up until 11PM. Ordermentum has really streamlined our production, because we’re averaging over 60% of our customers self-ordering.

We’re finessing the production report, but whatever goes into Ordermentum pulls out through a production report, so our butchers and production staff downstairs can start their work. 

The descriptions are the same and the units of measure are the same, so it’s given our production staff the ability to do better work. 

How does Ordermentem affect your customers with multiple venues?

If there’s a group that has six, seven pubs, it gives them one price file where they can see all the different locations. 

From an operations perspective, I think there are some really good pluses for customers with multiple venues.

Each chef can order in their own location, or as an executive chef, you could be the user for all of those locations. 

How has Ordermentum helped with sales/product upsell?

There’s more that each customer can see, so that’s a big opportunity. It means people can look at a greater number of products, and variations on each product. If they want to go look for something that they don’t normally order, then it’s there. 

It helps our sales team having a digital catalogue, which they can display on their iPads. We can show our customers - here is the Ordermentum shop, this is what it looks like. It’s digitised our sales process without taking away the personal rapport that we can build.

We also make an effort to update our featured products, so that whatever is seasonal is very obvious to customers. 

How has Ordermentum made it easier to onboard new customers?

I haven’t found onboarding an issue. 

We have a lot of larger venues and groups and we might not use Sign Up Links with them, but for other venues, it works really well.

I put individual Sign Up Links on the back of each salesperson’s business cards, and when they’re talking to someone, they just say “Use that link, it’ll log you on.” 

In regards to other customers, we have a lot of variance, and different customers have their own lists and preferences.

We're able to set up our customers' favourites for them so by the time they’re onboarded, what they want to order is already there for them. 

What's your favourite Ordermentum feature?

Insights. The ability to take something to the customer and show them some data of what they've been ordering, whether it’s order regularity, their basket of goods, or the volume. 

You can look at their patterns over a certain time-frame and use it to make decisions. For example, maybe once they had ten lines and they now have eight. Where'd the other two go? Did we lose them? Have you taken something off the menu? 

Or the other story is customers who grow their orders, which is fantastic. How do we keep going with that? Is there anything else we should be looking at?

For me, Insights is key in helping us get the answers to really important business questions. 

What was your own set-up like with Ordermentum?

We were very specific with what we wanted and we took our time making our decision, but once we made the decision, I invested a lot of time to make the platform really work for us. 

During the whole process, we’ve given a lot of feedback to Ordermentum - we’ve worked together and it’s definitely been a mutual relationship and we’ve learned from each other.

But now we’ve gone all in. We’re using Ordermentum for everything: orders, invoicing, production, payments….everything.  

How does Ordermentum compare to other platforms or solutions?

At the end of the day, you have to hunt where the fish are. There are certainly other solutions that are out there, but our customers’ feedback is that they find Ordermentum the most practical to use, and for us, there are simply more venues using it. 

And we also really liked the people…I can’t speak highly enough of Joe. He was an absolute legend in getting us off the ground - and we were speaking with each other early on very regularly trying to get this off the ground. 

We like to deal with real people - and we didn’t doubt for a moment that our calls would be answered if we needed help.

What would you say to anyone considering using Ordermentum?

Ordermentum training is extensive and the platform makes you more efficient…and isn’t every food service operator looking for efficiency?

Simply - if you haven’t got it, you need it. 

Ordermentum has grown supplier businesses all over the country - and we want to help you.  Book a FREE demo and let us answer all your questions.

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At a glance

  • SUPPLIER Bravofoods