Best Selling Products From The Plant Bakery (Sweet Nectar & Plant Baked)

Sweet Nectar - Snickerz Protein Balls 25pcs
$2.10ea | RRP $4.20 Display: 14 days chilled only. Approx. 40g A chewy caramel treat stuffed with peanuts and dates. Vegan, gluten free & refined sugar free.

Plant Baked - Lemon Coconut Slice 10pcs
$3.70ea | RRP $7.50 Display: 5 days chilled display only. 9cm L x 3.5cm W x 3cm -3.4cm H A beautiful soft and citrusy biscuit base topped with a generous layer of zesty lemon icing. Vegan & Gluten Free

Sweet Nectar - Coconut Rough Protein Balls 25pcs
$2.10ea | RRP $4.20 Display: 14 days chilled only. Approx. 40g Fragrant toasted coconut and cacao. Vegan, gluten free & refined sugar free.

Plant Baked - Lemon Cake 8pcs
📣 NEW Product!! $3.70ea | RRP $7.50 Display: 3 to 4 days room temp or chilled display. Delightfully soft and tangy lemon cake drizzled with a zesty glaze. 9cm L x 4.6cm W x 4.5cm H Vegan & Gluten Free