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Bass River Dairies

Glen Forbes, VIC 3990

Bassine Specialty Cheeses is a small cheese making facility built to exacting specifications on our 235ac farm. Our milk brand is Bass River Dairies and is sourced directly from our own cows.

Best Selling Products From Bass River Dairies

Whole Milk 2L crate(9)_image_Bass River Dairies_order now

Whole Milk 2L crate(9)

Whole milk 9 x 2L bottles. Pasteurised, non-homogenised.

Low Fat Milk 2L bottle_image_Bass River Dairies_order now

Low Fat Milk 2L bottle

Whole Milk 1L bottle_image_Bass River Dairies_order now

Whole Milk 1L bottle

Smokey San Remo 150g_image_Bass River Dairies_order now

Smokey San Remo 150g

mild Romano style matured with smokey rind rub


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Wholesale ordering done right

“I would love to get to a point where all our suppliers are on Ordermentum cause it’s just such an amazing product. We can do all our ordering on one app, as opposed to spread across seven different platforms which is just asking for problems downstream.”

Leon Kennedy - CEO of The Mulberry Group

Melbourne, VIC