Opening a venue in Australia is hard, let alone during a pandemic. Read the story of female-led Giuls and Beast & Co.
There's still a glass ceiling when it comes to ascending the hospitality ladder in Australia. Men still hold a greater percentage of top positions in venues, and also own or co-own a greater number of venues than women. But things are changing.
For Day Two of our Beyond the Craft 2022 festival, we interviewed two powerhouses of the Australian hospitality community, Giulia Treuner and Petra Kanalosova. Giulia is the owner of Giuls in Surry Hills and Petra owns Beast & Co, also in Surry Hills.
Find out what it's like to transition from working in hospo to owning and running your own venue.
Petra Kanalosova started her hospitality career at Rockpool Dining Group, and over a six year period became the General Manager/Licensee. Rockpool Dining Group. Her love of hospitality led to her opening Beast & Co, a venue focussing on Eastern European and Bohemian cuisine.
Giulia Treuner was hired by Petra to work Rockpool Dining Group, and over time worked her way up from Restaurant Manager to the Area Manager. She leveraged this deep experience in hospitality to open Giuls, an Italian inspired eatery that's drawing in crowds in Surry Hills.
Despite opening during the pandemic, these two women were able to support each other and lift each other up through the pain and stress of opening a hospo venue - and credit each other for the success they've now achieved.
This engaging chat with two very accomplished women shows how important it is to have the support of others in hospitality, but also show how determination and grit can make almost anything happen.
Enjoy this conversation and please get in touch with if you have any questions or comments.
Food lover, restaurant-goer, hospitality appreciator, and writer of content at Ordermentum.